Laura Reddy, Majella O'Connor, Nicola O'Sullivan, and Lia O'Sulivan Wright pictured during rehearsals.

AMS rehearsals in full swing for March musical

Rehearsals for Athlone Musical Society's 2024 production of 'Urinetown' are in full swing this February as the cast and crew prepare to take the stage from March 1-9 next.

Set in a dystopian future almost devoid of clean water, 'Urinetown' is a slapstick caper not to be missed. Heroes and villains come head to head in a battle to seize control of the dwindling water supply and restore the right to 'pee for free'.

With its catchy songs and snappy dialogue, 'Urinetown' is sure to have audiences bursting with glee by the time the curtains close.

Tickets can be purchased on the Dean Crowe Theatre's website, and through their box office at (090) 64 92129.

Book now to make sure you don't miss out!

If you'd like to support Athlone Musical Society in the run up to showtime, the annual table quiz to raise funds for the production is set to take place in The Bounty at 8pm on February 15. Entry is €10 per person, with some exciting prizes up for grabs!