Cast members Nicola O'Sullivan and Petrova Mulvey preparing for 'Aladdin: The Panto' in Athlone's Dean Crowe Theatre.

Aladdin panto gets underway in Athlone tonight

Athlone's Dean Crowe Theatre will host the first of eight performances of Aladdin: The Panto this evening (Friday, January 5) at 7.30pm.

The theatre's annual panto is always a popular family event, and at the time of writing the opening show was almost completely sold out.

It will be followed by two performances tomorrow, Saturday (2pm and 7.30pm) and one this Sunday (2pm).

Next weekend, the panto will be on at 7.30pm on Friday, January 12, at 2pm and 7.30pm on Saturday, January 13, and a final performance at 2pm on Sunday, January 14.

Tickets, priced €12.50, including booking fee, can be purchased online on the theatre's website.

This year's panto is being directed by Kori Kilduff with choreography by Jay Molyneux.

The cast of characters, played by talented local adults and children, includes Aladdin, Jasmine, Widow Twankey, and many others.

In a show packed full of magic, mystery, comedy, music and dance, the audience is invited to come along and follow the crazy adventures of Aladdin and his silly friends.