Local drama group set to stage Hugh Leonard comedy

Mount Temple Drama Group is delighted to present their 2023 production, 'Da' by Hugh Leonard. This comedy is based around Charlie, a well to do writer living in high society England who returns home temporarily for his late father's funeral.

While back home, Charlie begins to reminisce about his Da, as he calls him, as well as encountering old friends and acquaintances. This touching and sometimes hilarious story about a man coming to terms with both his life and the lives of his parents is not one to be missed!

This year's production is produced principally by Rosaleen Heavin, along with assistant producer Cathal Slevin. The cast is made up of Frank O’ Rourke, Larry Nugent, Michelle O’Brien, James Rabbitte, Eamonn Browne Carey, Mary Martin, James Paradise and Jenny Cooper.

The play will take place between Wednesday, November 15th and Saturday, November 18 in Tuar Ard Arts Centre, Moate. Curtains at 8pm sharp. Tickets are now available to purchase either through the Tuar Ard website or by calling the box office on 090 6482042.

Make sure to follow Mount Temple Drama Group on their facebook page to keep up to date with the production. We hope to see you all there!