Tasty ways to stay hydrated
Food as Medicine by Lynda McFarland
The human body is comprised of approximately 60% water and certain organs, including the brain and the liver, contain 75% to 85% so being hydrated is fundamental to human health. This recent heat-wave has really highlighted the need for electrolytes lost in sweat and has illustrated how energy levels can drop when the body is dehydrated.
We often hear the phrase "water is life" since fresh water is necessary for the survival of all living organisms but good water isn't easily available these days. Tap, bottled, filtered, distilled, alkaline, reverse osmosis are the main options available to us but none of these are perfect solutions. Mains tap water is treated with fluoride and chlorine. We use a reverse osmosis filter at home and in the shop but we need to ensure we are replacing the minerals lost in filtration. It is said that the water in your locality is the best water for your needs. Sunlight extracts electrons and protons from water to give us energy and hydrate us but water shipped from sunnier climes is not suited to our needs.
A clean spring well provides the best mineralised water but run-off of chemicals from farms causes concern so it is good to test the water that you drink regularly. There is a world-wide website called findaspring.com that lists the locations where good spring water is available to the public, there are currently very few listings for Ireland but hopefully as more people become aware of this site further locations will be added by the general public.
A lot of health professionals talk about "eating your water" i.e. consuming hydrating foods and drinks that provide the minerals we need to be healthy. Most fruit and vegetables contain 80-90% water as well as important minerals, vitamins and antioxidants so a few tasty ways to stay hydrated these days:
Watermelon juice
Chop up the flesh of the watermelon and blend in to a juice or combine with coconut water and fresh mint from the garden.
Iced Teas
Herbal teas sweetened with honey and refrigerated make refreshing drinks.
Adrenal Cocktail
Coconut water is full of electrolytes and combined with freshly squeezed orange juice, a pinch of sea-salt and a spoon of collagen comprised of amino acids this makes for a great adrenal cocktail.
Homemade Sports Drink
The juice of one lemon, a pinch of sea-salt and a spoon of honey stirred in to boiled and slightly cooled water makes a great nourishing sports drink without all the sugar. Slices of ginger can be added too if under the weather, great for getting you back in your feet!
Fresh Herb Water
Simply add fresh herbs from the garden such as mint, thyme, rosemary in to your water (hot or cold) for extra nourishment.
Kefir & Kombucha
Homemade or good quality shop bought fermented drinks are full of probiotics and are extremely rehydrating, much better than fizzy drinks!
A quick refreshing snack/meal:
Stone fruits such as cherries, nectarines and peaches are now in season and make a great energising snack or light meal combined with a few slices of raw cheese.
Lynda McFarland is a local nutritional therapist, cheft and co-owner of Lowe. & Co Organic Grocery on O'Connell Street, Athlone along with her partner Eddie Lowe. Lowe & Co. opened in 2016 to provide nourishing chemical free food that Lynda's nutrition clients were finding it difficult to source locally, such as sourdough breads and other fermented foods, organic vegetables, meat and dairy. Lynda manages the shop and Eddie manages their small-holding where they grow vegetables and keep chickens and pigs, and hopefully this year, bees for honey. Lowe & Co. is open Thursday to Saturday from 9.30am to 5.30pm