Local residents who have been working on plans for the future of Wansboro Park, Picture includes Ann Monaghan, Megan Daly, Michael Grehan, Carmel Feeney, Marion Ní Ghabhann, John McCrossan, Helen Keena, Kathleen Webb, Jessica White, Deborah Deane, Michael Murtagh, M. J. Meade. Missing from photo: Rob Quinn.

Council to consider residents' views for Wansboro Park future

Westmeath County Council has confirmed it is to prepare plans for a revamp of Wansboro Park in Athlone as contractors on the new greenway bridge prepare to vacate part of the site.

The council was responding to queries from the Westmeath Independent as to its plans for the site.

It follows proposals by local residents for a section of the public park which has been utilised for some 20 months as a compound for contractors working on the construction of the new greenway bridge over the River Shannon.

In May, Westmeath County Council was allocated some €150,000 from the Community Recognition Fund for work on play facilities and pathway upgrades at the park.

It's understood funding has also been ringfenced for work at the park from other sources.

In recent months, residents from surrounding areas, including Assumption Road, Tormey Villas, Ashdale, Woodlane, Auburin Villas, Beechpark, Beechpark West, Beechville, Ardilaun and Priory Park have come together to push for improved facilities at the park on the east bank of the River Shannon.

The group has drawn up sketches for the potential future use of the part of the site being vacated by the contractors.

Michael Meade of the group told the Westmeath Independent: “We, as residents, are of the opinion that it could be developed as a very family friendly facility.”

Their proposals involve a playground area, seating and recreational facilities, such as a children's paddling pool, sand pit, astro turf football facility, basketball court and exercise area.

They are eager for the hard-core surface installed at the site by the builders to be left in place. This, they argue, could be used as the base for a tarmacadam or similar surface.

The residents group is also hoping that companies involved in the greenway construction could make a goodwill financial gesture towards any project at the park.

The residents' proposals have been raised with the council by Cllr Louise Heavin, the new Mayor of Athlone/Moate Municipal District and by Cllr Frankie Keena.

In a statement to this newspaper, the council said: “We are aware of the residents' aspirations for the park and we are considering how best these might be achieved in the context of the imminent vacation of the site and the funding that is in place from the Community Recognition Fund. We will prepare these plans as soon as practicable and thereafter, seek the approval of the elected members for implementation.”