Council says good weather having impact as Dublin labelled 'filthy and manky'

James Cox

Dublin City Council has said there has been extra pressure on the city's waste management services because of the good weather.

It comes after a councillor claimed the city is looking "filthy and manky" as large crowds gather in areas like the Grand Canal.

Six extra bins are going to be put in place around Portobello and more staff will be working in the area on Friday evening.

Dublin City Councillor Mannix Flynn claims outdoor dining is contributing to the dirt.

Mr Flynn told Newstalk: "Publicans refuse completely to clean outside of their pubs, particularly those that have outdoor dining.

"You'd want to be taking your life into your own hands in some of the locations where there is outdoor dining. I was down in Baggot Street recently - and I have photographs to prove it - it was absolutely filthy... and again, there's no proper cleaning of the streets."