Last month was the wettest March on record in Ireland, Met Éireann says

Tomas Doherty

Last month was "provisionally the wettest March on record in Ireland", according to Met Éireann.

The meteorological service said an average of 173.3mm of rain fell across the country last month – 169 per cent of the long term average from 1981-2010.

The previous wettest March was recorded in 2019, according to Met Éireann data from the last 83 years.

It comes after the fourth-driest February on record earlier this year.

Meanwhile, the UK Met Office said Northern Ireland experienced its third-wettest March on record. The region saw an average of 151.2mm of rain last month, 74 per cent more than the long-term average.

England had its wettest March in more than 40 years, with 119.2mm of rain in the month, 104 per cent more than the long-term average.

Wales had 206.5mm of rain, 100 per cent above its long-term average.