Aimee Plunkett, from Coláiste Chiaráin, Athlone, was the winner of the ActionTalks speech writing competition, which held its national final in Dublin this week. Photo: Maxwell Photography.

Athlone student wins national speech writing competition

Aimee Plunkett, a student at Coláiste Chiaráin, Athlone, has been chosen as the winner of ActionTalks, a national speech writing competition run by ActionAid.

Aimee, a fifth year in Coláiste Chiaráin, was announced as the winner at the national finals which were held yesterday (Tuesday) in Dublin's Royal Irish Academy. For finishing in first place she will receive a €500 voucher and her teacher will also receive a €100 voucher.

Judges for the competition included Jennifer O'Connell of The Irish Times; Oisín Coghlan of Friends of the Earth; Maria Riordan from the Department of Foreign Affairs; and Jessica Mandanda, a gender and communications specialist from Malawi.

The students competing this year wrote speeches on climate justice, economic barriers to accessing education, and valuing unpaid care work.

ActionAid Ireland works with women and children as they take the lead in claiming their human rights to build a more just world.

The ActionTalks competition received 143 entries from 40 schools across 16 counties. Aimee was invited to take part in the regional finals, before going forward to the national final.

Aimee (centre) with her fellow finalists: (clockwise) Erin Byrne, St. Leo's College, Carlow; Prachi Agrawal, Dominican College Sion Hill, Dublin.; Matilda O’Sullivan, Coláiste an Chraoibhín, Cork; Brendan Ó’Laoithe, Pobalscoil Chorca Dhuibhne, Kerry; Páidí MacGearailt, Pobalscoil Chorca Dhuibhne, Kerry; and Caoimhe Lafferty, Scoil Mhuire, Donegal. Photo: Maxwell Photography

Karol Balfe, CEO of ActionAid Ireland said: "The standard of the speeches submitted in this year’s competition was very high, and difficult to judge at every stage of the competition. It was heartening to see so many students across the country take part and share their views on global issues so articulately, and with such passion.

"Aimee had clearly researched the topic of unpaid care work at length, she developed strong arguments and then delivered the speech confidently. We are delighted to announce Aimee as the winner of ActionTalks, and she should be very proud."

The competition is supported by Irish Aid, Department of Foreign Affairs, as part of an ActionAid Ireland women's rights programme in Kenya, Nepal and Ethiopia.