Green Party Senator says Government needs all TDs 'on side'

Vivienne Clarke

Minister of State Senator Pippa Hackett has said the Government needs all TDs “on side”, adding it was unfortunate that her Green party colleague Nessa Hourigan had voted against the Government in Wednesday's motion over the eviction ban.

We need to have a functioning majority, and we need all our TDs on board. That means voting with the good votes, the easy votes, and also with the tough ones like last night,” she told Newstalk Breakfast.

Ms Hackett acknowledged this was the third time that Ms Hourigan had voted against the Government.

When asked if there was a “three strikes and you’re out” policy within the Green Party, she said no, a suspension of 15 months was “a significant period of time”.

After the 15 months “she will be more than welcome back if she's interested.”

Ms Hackett added: “I think at the end of the day, it has been a distraction for Government. It has been a distraction for our party. The Green Party has achieved a lot in government. It wants to continue to do that. We need all our TDs onside and you know, we look forward to regrouping and moving forward.”

She said Ms Hourigan’s decision was “unfortunate”, but noted she was a very principled colleague.

“I do wish she would support the Government on these difficult decisions. I understand where she's coming from in a personal capacity. At the end of the day, though we are in Government, we are a political party, and we do want to achieve our policy in government.”

On the possibility of future no confidence votes in the Government in relation to the eviction ban, Ms Hackett said she felt the Government had a safe majority and would win any confidence vote.

Part of being in government meant having to make difficult decisions, she added.

“The eviction moratorium was a very difficult issue and most people have really genuine concerns. It's hugely challenging, but we made the decision that in the longer term, extending the moratorium would have resulted in fewer homes being available. And we do currently need to get this right.”

Ms Hackett also denied that the Government has an image problem, stating the Coalition has done “some really positive things”.

“There are always going to be difficult decisions to be made, and this is one of them, but we've come to the decision that we believe is the best, best for the future of renters, best for the future of housing policy in this country, and we will work really hard to ensure that that is the case.”

Ms Hackett insisted the Government is delivering on housing, adding: “There are more houses going to be available for rent in the future if we get this right.

“Certainly in relation to the current eviction moratorium, the Green Party worked really hard over the last couple of weeks, people might say we have ensured that there is a safety net now put in place for renters when the eviction moratorium begins on April 1st, which ensures that local housing bodies or local authorities can buy the rental home and rent it back to them for payment on a not for profit basis.

“That is Green Party policy in action. We need to roll out more fast. We need to build more houses. That is what our aim is and that's what we intend to do.”