Novel project sees work by local poets installed along canal
The work of five Athlone poets has been erected on new signage along the Athlone canal banks on Talbot Avenue.
The project, entitled Athlone Poets on Athlone Canal. was undertaken by the Athlone Canal Heritage group and it was officially opened on Thursday last, in front of a large attendance, by Westmeath Independent editor Tadhg Carey as part of Heritage Week.
The signage includes a poem by each of Jackie Gorman, Gearoid O'Brien, Joe McEvoy, Rory Duffy and Paul Hoare.
Gorman, O'Brien and McEvoy were in attendance to read their work to the assembled audience, who were first given an outline of the project by Shay Hamilton, of the Canal Heritage group.
He explained the idea had its genesis in a poem by former Athlone librarian Gearoid O'Brien, entitled 'Athlone Canal', which prompted the canal group to explore if there was other canal-related work that could be gathered together.
He thanked Westmeath County Council, Creative Ireland, and the Shamrock Lodge Hotel for their support and sponsorship and Spectrum Signs for their quality work on the signage.
Mr Carey then unveiled the new signs, stating that it was fitting that the group had chosen poetry as its latest initiative as there had always been a close association between writers and water.
He said every day someone would stop and read the poems, as they walked along the canalside, and in that process, the poems would become alive again as if they were being written or read for the first time.
He complimented the five poets for having such a legacy and for their bravery in sharing their work in such a public way.