Athlone Tidy Towns is appealing to the public to get involved in their Good Friday litter pick and clean up in the area.

Get involved in annual Good Friday litter pick and clean up

Athlone Tidy Towns Committee is appealing to community groups, residents associations, householders, families, and individuals to help out in their annual litter pick and general clean-up of Athlone town on Good Friday.

The group is asking the public to devote an hour or two to look after your immediate vicinity and pick the litter and or tidy up an unsightly spots on nearby roadways, laneways etc.

This will greatly assist the many loyal volunteers, who help the group out every week to keep Athlone neat and litter free.

Athlone has been entered into All of Ireland Best Kept Large Town competition and adjudication, will be held in mid-May so we would like to have the town presented well for this event.

Athlone Tidy Towns is hoping volunteers would carry out the task in the morning time, weather permitting. Green bags and pickers will be provided, on request, through our Facebook page or by email or by contacting any members of the Tidy Towns Committee.

When finished your task, you can drop off the collected litter at the following locations before lunch time on that same day.

Committee members will then pick up these green bags for their for their final disposal.

1. Bus Stop near Valleycourt.

2. Grace Park Road (Opposite St Hildas).

3. Entrance to Mayfield Grove.

4. Outside the Athlone Training Centre, Garrycastle.

5. One Mile (Opposite entrance to Sli an Aifrinn).

6. Top of Talbot Avenue.

7. Carpark at the top of Pearse Street.

8. Canal Banks.

9. Opposite Shines Pub Restaurant.

10. Ardbrae Park Entrance.