Repairs completed on public lighting at Athlone town bridge
The public lights on Athlone's town bridge, which had been out of action for more than a week, are back working again following the completion of repairs.
Paul Kelly of Westmeath County Council told the Westmeath Independent that the local authority was notified of the outage on Tuesday of this week, and that a public lighting contractor was working on the lighting yesterday (Wednesday).
"They carried out some civil works, and some routine checks, and it seems that the cable was faulty," he said.
"It had burnt out in one section, so they have done the repair on that and the lights seem to be back up and working again now."
Mr Kelly confirmed that the outage had impacted the public lighting along a stretch that extended from the town bridge to Athlone Castle and around the corner to Sean's Bar.
The issue had led to concerns being voiced about the safety of pedestrians in the area outside of daylight hours.