Cllr Frankie Keena at the scene in Glynwood.

Latest Glynwood dumping condemned

The latest dumping incident in Glynwood has been condemned as "horrendous" by local Cllr Frankie Keena.

"This rubbish was dumped on the Glynwood road last night. It is so frustrating and annoying. The mindset of the individuals who dumped this is horrendous. I have requested the council to urgently look for a paper trail and if successful severely fine the culprits," he said on Monday.

"If anyone saw a suspicious vehicle in this area last night please let me know," added the Fianna Fail public representative.

"I am just completely furious and have absolutely no tolerance for the behaviour of such people.

These containers were among the items discarded overnight alongside the road.

Only ten days ago I gave assistance to the local community in carrying out a litter pick in this area and we collected over twelve bags of rubbish. This is so unfair on the residents, it is like a conveyor belt in action with new dumping taking place as soon as the old stuff is collected.

"This illegal dumping is gone way out of hand with our public and private roads plus bogs being destroyed.

Stricter measures plus jail time needs to be introduced," Cllr Keena concluded.

Some of the material abandoned on the side of the road at Glynwood.