September general election likely if deal not agreed

An Athlone Fianna Fail councillor has said that he believes there would more than likely be a general election in September if the Programme for Government does not get the support of the three parties.

Cllr Aengus O'Rourke said as a member of Fianna Fail he has voted 'Yes'

He argued that while Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and The Green Party represent different traditions and believe in many different things, the Programme for Government “is one that I believe can work and should work if all three parties play their part in full”.

“The reality of politics in a modern Ireland is that we must always be willing to work with others if we are to get the best outcomes for our towns, counties or country.

“For me, the very best example of this kind of cooperation was the close working relationship we had in the Athlone Municipal District from 2014 to 2019 where as a group of councillors from all parties and none, we came together on every issue and worked it through no matter what - in five years there was never a political point scored in the chamber.  I expect that to be the same for this current term too, in the new Athlone/Moate area.

“On a national level it is no different.  When required the willing parties should roll up their sleeves for the sake of the country and get on with it.”

He said the country needs a government to begin the difficult job of restoring our economy, getting people back to work and getting our children back to school.

“Sinn Fein tried to form a government but early on it was clear that they could not make up the numbers.  We now have three parties with a firm and credible proposal before us. Collectively, the three parties secured close to 75% of the votes in the February general election.”

He said if the Programme for Government is not backed by the three parties there would more than likely be a General Election in September, with the possibility of a further, inconclusive result.

“Lurching from uncertainty to further uncertainty would be a disaster for our country, our economy and our people. For these reasons I have voted yes.”