First day at school for twin twins in Cornafulla!

There were emotional scenes at local schools over the last week as hundreds of sons and daughters took their first steps into the world of primary education. At Cornafulla National School it was an unusual year, as not one but two sets of twins were among the 48 pupils who started school last Thursday. Four-year-olds Conor and Eoghan Furey, from Moynure, Cornafulla, and Aoife and Caireann McGoldrick, also from Cornafulla, have been settling in well to their classes at the local school. The novelty of having two sets of twins in the one year was not lost on Cornafulla NS principal Joan Conway. 'It is extremely unusual, particularly so when it"s one set of girls and one set of boys,' she said. The Fureys are attending Ms Staunton"s class at the school while the McGoldrick twins - who have an elder sister, Aisling, also attending the school - are being taught by Ms Kenny. The new pupils are not the only twins to have gone to school at Cornafulla NS in recent times. Identical twins Fintan and Enda Kelly - who recently moved on to secondary school - were so alike that, according to the principal, 'you couldn"t tell them apart at all - aside from maybe one freckle.' Ms Conway stated that the junior infants" settling-in process over the last few days has been relatively smooth. 'There were a few tears, but not too many! One of the classes got a new wendy house and the kids were delighted with that. They"ve also been introduced to the school yard. We"ve been easing them into the new year and it"s gone well so far.' In addition, Ms Conway praised the behaviour of pupils at the school. 'They"re very good children and they get great parental support which is obviously very important,' she commented.