Homelessness in Athlone increases by 40%

The number of homeless people in Athlone in the first six months of this year has increased by 40% on the same period last year with 17 cases referred to the Midlands Simon Community in the town since the beginning of the year. Across the four midland counties of Westmeath, Longford, Offaly and Laois, 61 cases were referred to the Midlands Simon Community so far this year. The Midlands Simon Community works in conjunction with the local authorities in the four counties and the HSE and receives referrals from these organisations. While homelessness may not be as visible in the midlands as in some urban areas of the country, homeless people are people who have no fixed home or are living in unsafe or unsuitable accommodation. The Simon Community works with these people for as long as they need and tries to get them into permanent accommodation. The startling figures came to light as the Midlands Simon Community welcomed the National Homelessness Strategy, which is due to be published shortly. The stragtey will outline Government plans on how best to tackle the issue of homelessness by working in partnership with the homeless sector across a number of headings over the next four years. Also included in the strategy will be models of best practice the Government would like to see adopted across the sector, the Midlands Simon Community being one such model.