Witness appeal launched in Patryk Krupa murder probe
Gardaí at Athlone are seeking the assistance of the public in relation to the murder of Patryk Krupa which occurred in Athlone on Friday, June 20 and wish to express their gratitude to the public for their assistance in this investigation to date.
The investigation has resulted in several arrests. One person is currently before the courts charged in connection with the investigation.
Gardai, in a press statement, say the investigation to date indicates that the deceased left Athlone town in a black BMW 3 Series car, partial registration number ‘06 D’, on the evening of Friday, June 20, at approximately 6.30pm. It is believed that there were four other occupants in this car at this time. Gardaí have interviewed three of these occupants and are appealing for the fourth person to now contact them in Athlone Garda Station.
It is also believed that the car was driven from Athlone town to an area known as the ‘Number 1’, which is at Boggafin, Athlone. This is an area located underneath the Athlone by-pass where it crosses the River Shannon.
This car was later recovered parked in a housing estate near Cornamaddy, Athlone, in the early hours of Saturday, June 21.
Investigating Gardaí are appealing for anyone who may have observed this car in, or close to the areas mentioned between June 20 and the early hours of June 21. They are also appealing specifically to members of the Polish community or anyone who may have any information regarding this crime to contact them in Athlone on 0906 498550 or any Garda station.
Crimestoppers who are also launching an appeal. Information may be provided confidentially to them on 1800 250025.