WATCH: Amazing local footage of a thrush feeding its chicks

Amazing footage has been captured in the Moate area of a thrush feeding its young.

The thrush made a nest close to the window sill of a house where three chicks duly hatched. 

And the remarkable video footage, captured on a mobile phone, shows the thrush feeding the chicks. 

All we're missing is commentary from the legendary David Attenborough.

It appears that the bird featured in the video is a song thrush or a mistle thrush - we'll leave it up the bird watching experts to tell us more!

During the Covid-19 enforced lockdown, many people are turning to new hobbies, including bird watching. 

According to the BirdWatch Ireland website, the song thrush is one of Ireland's top 20 most widespread garden birds. Their diet consists of insects, especially earthworms, with snails regarded as a favourite. It also feeds on berries and other fruit including apples. They breed throughout Ireland, mainly in hedgerows and gardens. They nest in trees, bushes, ivy, brambles and sometimes conifers.

The mistle thrush also feeds on insects and earthworms. In winter, they mainly feed on berries and will vigorously defend a favoured tree from all other birds. They breed throughout Ireland, though less commonly in the south. Mistle thrushes are less frequently seen in suburban gardens than song thrushes, favouring larger parks and rural areas.

The video clip can be viewed here: