Meet the candidates: Alan Sweeney, The Irish People (Roscommon Galway)
Here is our Q&A with Alan Sweeney, of Kilcolgan, Galway. He is standing in the general election in the Roscommon-Galway constituency, having run for a Galway County Council seat earlier this year.
Why did you decide to run in this general election?
To provide the public with a credible alternative voice to address the issues being ignored by the current political establishment such as the housing, homelessness, and cost of living crisis.
Approximately 70% of young adults under the age of 30 are stuck living at home and it's destroying their lives and preventing them from being able to do the basics that any person would desire, which is buy a home and raise a family.
I have been involved in helping the homeless community since 2020, and believe they have been completely abandoned by this Government.
What do you think are the biggest issues facing the people of Roscommon-Galway?
A lot of young families are at risk of immediate homelessness due to the housing market and are genuinely concerned about their future in achieving home ownership. Hidden homelessness and access to affordable accommodation.
Public transport needs to improved to help individuals trapped in rural areas gain access to work. Housing of asylum seekers in local areas without proper consultation has also caused major alarm within the constituency.
What would your party do differently to other parties if it was in Government?
Honesty, Integrity and Transparency. The general public deserve positive engagement with elected government representatives instead of closing doors on issues of major concern.
Some 67% of voters recently voted against woke constitutional changes endorsed by Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil, Green Party, People Before Profit, the Social Democrats and Sinn Féin. The Irish People was one of the only political parties that opposed constitutional changes.
What would you say to those who feel your party's policies have the potential to increase racial tensions or distrust towards minority groups in Ireland?
The majority of people I have spoken to would disagree with that statement and believe that we should have adequate border and immigration controls. Common sense and logic shouldn't raise tensions when it's for the benefit of Irish society.
Human trafficking is a very serious issue and has many victims. Introducing proactive measures to combat that is the right thing to do and prevents people from being exploited.
What would be some of the main things you would hope to achieve for the people of Roscommon-Galway if you were elected?
Affordable Housing for lone parents and families at risk of homelessness. Proper public consultation on issues of local concern. Resolving the hidden homeless crisis. Reverse EU policy changes that introduced carbon tax and turf cutting bans.