At the presentation of a cheque for €53,130 raised at the Jim O’Connor Memorial Castle to Castle Swim for Pieta were, Charlie Naughton, Denise Dolan, Joanne O’Connor, Liam Cunningham Manager ARSC, Gerard Tiernan, Pieta, Vincent Gethins, David Warby and Alex Dawson-Stanley at the ARSC last week. Photo: Paul Molloy.

Memorial swim organisers plan to further grow event in coming years

Organisers of the Jim O’Connor Memorial Castle to Castle Swim recently presented a cheque for €53,130, the proceeds of the Jim O'Connor Memorial Castle to Castle Swim to Pieta.

The 13.5km marathon swim event which took place on August 24 was in its second year and in total over €116,000 has been raised by swimmers to support Pieta’s free services, helping people who are in suicidal distress or engaging in self-harm. Gerard Tiernan, on behalf of Pieta, thanked everybody involved with the swim, saying that the support is invaluable in helping Pieta provide its essential services. “Together we can create hope and healing for those who need Pieta," Gerard said.

The event commemorates the legacy of local man Jim O'Connor, who in 2012 swam the full length of Lough Ree from Lanesboro bridge to Athlone Castle, a distance of 34km. The swim, without a wetsuit, took Jim 13 hours and 34 minutes. The Castle to Castle Swim follows the latter half of Jim’s journey and starts at Rindoon Castle, 8km north of Hodson Bay. From here 17 solo swimmers and 60 relay swimmers set off on their 13.5km journey through Lough Ree and the Shannon before arriving at Athlone Castle where an enthusiastic crowd welcomed them all home.

After several days of strong winds in the lead up to this year's swim, organisers were very relieved when after an early morning safety check, the safety team decided the event could proceed. Despite challenging conditions from noon onwards all 17 solo swimmers and 60 relay participants completed the course.

Athlone RSC coach and member of the organising committee David Warby said: "It was great to see a long-distance swim event taking place here in Athlone for the second year running. As well as encouraging local swimmers to step up and challenge themselves, seeing experienced distance swimmers from around the country choosing the Castle to Castle Swim as one of their key events, is a great boost for all of us with a passion for swimming. Jim himself would have loved it! We are already looking forward to next year’s event and are hoping to welcome more distance swimmers to Athlone to experience this unique event and enjoy all that the lake, river and town have to offer. The Castle to Castle Swim has amazing potential in attracting both national and international swimmers.

And for those who just love the open water and enjoy the fun and camaraderie of being part of a team, the relay option will remain available in 2025. We want to encourage participation, swimming offers so much in terms of improving both physical and mental health and this event is not beyond anyone... with the right programme, attitude and commitment it can be done.”

Charlie Naughton, another of the organisers and Athlone RSC Swim Coordinator, said: "An event like this requires a huge support team on the day itself, each solo swimmer teamed up with a volunteer kayaker who guided them throughout the swim; each relay team had a volunteer captain and boat. A Safety Team headed up by Brendan Donnellan, Richie O’Hara, Matt Harte and Alex Stanley had the support of boats and volunteers from Athlone Sub Aqua Club, Offaly Search & Rescue, Lough Ree Yacht Club, Inny Kayak Club, Baysports, the Garda Water Unit, Portaneena Marina and other individual boat owners and kayakers. With over 30 boats, 25 kayaks and up to 70 volunteers out on the water, swimmers’ safety was the top priority. The Order of Malta and Dr Mike Brody were in place in case of any medical emergencies and Flagline Buses took care of transport. The organising committee very much appreciates that an event on this scale can only happen with the support and goodwill of so many able volunteers and want to sincerely thank them all for helping to make the day such a success," Charlie said.

Joanne O'Connor, on behalf of Jim's children and extended family, said: "It was another truly memorable day, full of excitement and a real feel good factor, it’s so obvious that the swimmers love what they do, and they do it so spectacularly! Thanks to Liam and the team at Athlone RSC, they are exceptional as are the facilities offered there. For us as a family, the day was happy with a tinge of sadness and that may always be the way but we are so very proud of all that is being achieved, for the swimmers, the community and for Pieta, and we know that Jim would be too."

The O'Connor family is keen to thank the local business community for their support on the day and for their sponsorship and donations to the swim event in aid of Pieta. “It is also notable”, Joanne said, “that in addition local businesses sponsored just short of €9,000 to facilitate the purchase of safety equipment that will ensure the ongoing safety of the swimmers in this special event in the years to come.”