Final service in Friary this evening ahead of closure

The final service at St Anthony's Friary in Athlone will be held this evening.

A service to mark The Transitus of St Francis, his passing over from this life to the next, will take place there today at 6.30pm, before the church officially closes tomorrow, ironically, the Feast Day of St Francis.

Over the last two years, a local group has kept the church open after the withdrawal of the Franciscan Order from Athlone. This volunteers have been supported by Franciscan priests visiting Athlone to say masses, and by financial support from the Franciscan Order in maintaining and insuring the premises.

Recently, the group was informed the Franciscans would no longer be in a position to provide either the visiting priests or the financial support. It means the group is no longer able to keep the church open.

An event is also taking place after tonight's service in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel to bid farewell to

The local group continues to hold out hope that a charitable organisation, with agreement from the local bishop, may consider taking over full responsibility for the Church building.