Gerry Callaghan of New Horizon.

New Horizon Refugee and Asylum Seeker Support Group: Social Enterprise of the Year Finalist

New Horizon Refugee and Asylum Seeker Support Group is a voluntary organisation dedicated to welcoming and supporting refugees and asylum seekers in the Athlone and Moate communities.

New Horizon is a group actively working to provide vital assistance, information, and encouragement to those seeking refuge. The group seeks to support and to celebrate the cultural diversity and rich contributions newcomers bring to our society.

Its focus primarily is to welcome and support refugees and asylum seekers, by providing essential information and guidance and to celebrate the cultural richness that newcomers contribute to our community.

Most of New Horizon's work is with residents at the Lissywollen direct provision accommodation site in Athlone, which hosts an average of 300 residents. The group also supports individuals living at the Temple Direct Provision site in Horseleap, near Moate.

The organisation creates enjoyable moments for those who are at their most vulnerable, and recent activities it has facilitated include establishing a multicultural choir, fostering a sense of community through music, in Tuar Ard, Moate.

New Horizon also works on collaborations with partners such as the Westmeath Arts Office, to facilitate workshops to create animation videos with young people in the community, or host circus skills days, for example.

These events provide the welcome distractions and support for those in difficult situations.

New Horizon provides asylum seekers and refugees with guidance for navigating life in Direct Provision, in addition to community-building initiatives that promote inclusion and integration.

As a registered charity, New Horizon continues to work to offer support to some of the most vulnerable members of society, advocating for their rights and helping them build better futures.

The group is a worthy nominee for its remarkable efforts to empower and uplift refugees and asylum seekers.

The other Social Enterprise of the Year finalists are: Athlone Community Services Council and Athlone Agricultural Show.

The Westmeath Independent Community & Sports Awards 2024 takes place at the Shamrock Lodge Hotel on Thursday.

The Social Enterprise of the Year category at the Westmeath Independent Community & Sports Awards 2024 is sponsored by Westmeath County Council