Isla Harrington from Athlone having fun with the Rubix Cube in advance of maths week.

Midlands Science preparing to celebrate Maths Week next month

Midlands Science is preparing to celebrate Maths Week in the Midlands next month.

Maths Week is taking place all over Ireland from October 12 to 20 with a series of interactive workshops for students being undertaken by Midlands Science across the region.

Originating in 2006, Maths Week Ireland is an all-island initiative which engaged with over 500,000 people in 2023, helping to further promote positive attitudes to maths, maths related careers, and its general importance in our lives.

CEO of Midlands Science Jackie Gorman outlined the importance of maths in our lives.

She said: “Maths is a core element of STEM - science, technology, engineering, and maths. We all use maths in our daily lives and recognising its importance can help encourage students to spend time improving their numeracy skills.

"This can help us all to see the relevance of maths to everyday life, maths is in everything from measuring ingredients in recipes to understanding sports league tables and understanding loan rates.

"We have seen from evaluation last year on our maths outreach that 85% of teachers previously felt that Maths Week activities improved their students' interest in maths. We are delighted to work with some incredible schools across the midlands to build an increased appreciation for maths this year.”

Midlands Science delivers STEM workshops free of charge to primary and secondary schools, after schools, youth groups, and events for the general public throughout the year.

For more information on Midlands Science go to