Islamic prayer beads hanging in a mosque.

Green light for Athlone mosque and cultural centre

By Orlaith Delaney

Planning permission has been granted by Westmeath County Council for the establishment of a mosque and Islamic cultural centre in Athlone.

The project will involve the repurposing of a former fitness centre at unit 2 and 3 in Golden Island's Inish Carraig Business Centre.

In June, the charity Rumi Foundation Ireland applied to the local authority for a change of use for the premises from a fitness centre to a place of worship and/or religious instruction.

Fundraising for the redevelopment was organised by Rumi Foundation Ireland, and its chairperson, Mohammed Tariq Salim, told the Westmeath Independent he wished to extend his thanks to the community for its support in donations and getting the project underway.

Over €100,000 has already been raised for the cultural centre, and the Rumi Foundation is now targeting €300,000 to cover development costs, which have risen since the fundraising campaign began.

According to documentation submitted to the Westmeath County Council as part of the planning application, there will be prayer services on site lasting for approximately 30 minutes every day at 6am, 12pm, 5pm, 8pm and 10pm.

The expected attendance at these services will be between 10-15 people on weekdays, with between 25-40 expected during weekends.

Glazing will be included on the front windows of the unit for privacy, with no additional signage or advertising added.

Permission for the change of use was granted by the council on Wednesday last, September 4.