Moore native and Athlone resident Frank Kenny, who has written the new book 'The God of War'.

Athlone man pens new book on history of religions

A local man has written a new book, entitled The God of War, in which he seeks to "challenge conventional narratives" around the history of some of the world's major religions.

Frank Kenny, a native of Moore who lives at Silver Quay apartments on Athlone's Northgate Street, started working on the book during the pandemic.

Mr Kenny, who was educated at Trinity College and the Open University, said the target audience for his book would be those "with an interest in history, religion, or both," as well as "those seeking to understand the ancient origins of the current Middle Eastern conflict".

"The book highlights the origins of the Jewish and Christians faiths. How they have fueled conflict and change throughout the centuries, and how this shaped the modern world," said Mr Kenny.

He added that the book represents the first volume in a series on which he is currently working.

A summary of The God of War explains that it examines "the evolution of religious beliefs and their influence on global conflicts".

In addition, it looks at, "the intersecting lines of faith between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and how divergent interpretations led to war and bloodshed over the centuries".

The description of the book adds that it is "meticulously researched with enriching historical detail," and that it "offers an impartial examination of the violent wars and political struggles that impact us today".

* 'The God of War' by Frank Kenny is currently available to order on Amazon and Goodreads, and is also available in the Athlone Bookshop, on Lloyd's Lane.