Bernie is familiar with the Camino de Santiago; he did a stretch with his son Ian in April of last year, and returned later in the year as part of a group doing a hospice fundraiser. He’s heading of again this year on another hospice fundraiser.

Mr Youcantbeserious on Camino trail for hospice

Dear readers,

For only the third time in the 17 years of YCBS, I am availing of this privileged platform to ask for your support; not for me, but for The Irish Hospice Foundation. There is hardly a family that doesn’t know what the hospice does – so no need to explain that one.

Last year a group of us did a sponsored ‘Camino Challenge’ and in doing so, we raised €72,928 for the Hospice Foundation. On September 24, a week after my 80th birthday, I am walking another sponsored section of the Camino, from Estella to Burgos.

In asking for your sponsorship, it is important that you know I am paying all my own expenses, so that every cent donated will go to The Irish Hospice Foundation.

You can help bring a smile to someone’s face during their last days! No amount is too small because; ‘through small and simple things, do great things come to pass’.

If you are kind enough to sponsor me, you can either give me your money directly, or donate online at

Go raibh maith agat.