Mescall blasts ‘negativity’ as Spain draw fails to take off
There are fears a 'cloud of negativity' could scupper Westmeath GAA’s dream of establishing a new Centre of Excellence.
In an effort to stimulate the first fundraising campaign, 'Win a Home in Spain', Westmeath County Committee held a meeting with the 47 clubs of the county on Wednesday of last week in the Mullingar Park Hotel. In a positive development, there was a packed room for the gathering at which Westmeath GAA chairman Frank Mescall urged clubs to make a renewed drive to sell €100 tickets to fund the purchase of approximately 50 acres for the development.
A total of €1.5m is necessary from the current fundraiser and Westmeath must sell 15,000 tickets by May 30 to make that a reality.
In attendance were the chairpersons and secretaries of the 47 Westmeath GAA clubs. Westmeath LGFA secretary Paula Finan and camogie chairperson Karen Goldrick took the opportunity to address the large gathering.
Frank Mescall urged those present, as leaders in their clubs, to drive the fundraiser within their local community and neighbouring clubs were encouraged to join forces to make the draw a success. The chairman felt the county is being engulfed by what he called “a cloud of negativity”.
“I want an end to the negativity and excuses; they are not for Westmeath GAA. We will put this (Centre of Excellence) in place. By hook or by crook we will get it built. If it happens the easy way, brilliant; you have it in your hands to do it,” he said.
“I want to use you to spread the good news about the journey we are on together. It is a privilege to welcome you and it’s the first positive lift we have got for this fundraiser.”
While some clubs have embraced the venture and have sold numerous tickets, as of Wednesday evening of last week, three clubs had zero tickets sold.
The chairman outlined what is involved in the new development which will see seven pitches in place when fully complete. It is likely to be another three years before phase one of the project becomes a reality, he explained.
As of Wednesday evening, there were just 2,303 of the 15,000 tickets sold and the chairman insisted that a more positive approach could have the county in a much healthier position.
“If I could have sold a ticket for every negative comment I got, the 15,000 tickets would be gone at this stage,” he told those present.
Among the criticisms being levelled at the chairman was the county’s lack of ambition after they won the Leinster senior football title in 2004. The chairman refused to blame previous administrations and urged clubs to engage fully in the current fundraising initiative in order to get this project off the ground.
“I will not go back and try and rewrite history or say a bad word about any previous chairs or secretaries in the county. I will not do that. I will not resort to that. Now is our chance to do it - let's take it on and succeed with it,” remarked Mescall.
The chairman had sold 50 tickets himself, half of the allocation for clubs, while 400 tickets have been sent to America. The committee has undertaken to sell a considerable number along with members of Club Iarmhí, the county's official supporters' group.
Mescall explained that all tickets will have to be returned to the committee on April 30 at which stage sellers will, if necessary, go into parishes where tickets haven't been sold. He urged clubs not to allow such a situation to arise.
Paula Finan, Secretary of Westmeath Ladies Committee (LGFA), endorsed the fundraiser and said it will benefit all strands of the county.
“Some people might think that this is our first venture working together and we probably don't publicise it enough, but within Westmeath Gaelic games we collaborate all the time. That collaboration includes myself as Westmeath County Secretary and Karen Goldrick as Chairperson of Westmeath Camogie. We sit on Westmeath GAA management and have a voice and a vote there, which is not the case in every county. So that's something that is a huge progressive thing that we do here in Westmeath,” she said.
“We collaborate on so many other things on a day-to-day basis. So it is a natural progression for us as three associations to come together now to build this Centre of Excellence for Westmeath, that we all work together. It's a big ask for all our clubs, but we are prepared and are putting our shoulders to the wheel to work towards what is going to be wonderful.
“I have managers texting and ringing me (looking for pitches to train on) and I suppose I have a unique view around that because I'm also the chairperson of Castledaly GAA, so I understand that I may be contacted for a pitch for training or games, and at times you have to say no. So this centre of excellence gives us the opportunity that our young people are going to have that facility, that it will take away some of that stress. We're delighted, myself and Geraldine (Giles) as chairperson of Westmeath LGFA to be here in support.”
Karen Goldrick, Chairperson of Westmeath camogie, said if all clubs are very proactive and put their minds to it over the next eight weeks, the fundraiser can be a success.
“We need a Centre of Excellence in our county, it's something that we're all crying out for at this stage. It's hugely important, and you as the chairs and secretaries of our clubs, are hugely important to have at this meeting tonight, to have the feedback from your clubs as to how we can actually succeed,” said Goldrick.
“Our clubs in Westmeath have facilities that are extraordinary and that's because of the work that you have put into it. So you know the challenges that we're facing here, you know the challenges of major initiatives like this, and how we can make it successful. I'd love to hear some more (suggestions) from the audience.”
John Weir, former Westmeath Camogie Board chairman, felt it is time Westmeath moved forward together and put the facility in place for inter-county players. “Our county teams are being let down; it’s disgusting. We should have our own house,” he declared, noting how county players have to travel to Dublin’s Abbotstown for training.
Reaction of clubs
Ballynacargy chairman Aidan Lyons said the club got behind the fundraiser because Westmeath needs a home of its own. “It must be hardship for county development squads begging for pitches all the time. It’s not fair; this facility is badly needed and that’s the main reason we got behind it,” he remarked.
There were questions from Castletown Geoghegan’s Ian Corrigan and Martin Williams (Lough Lene Gaels), who wondered about a business plan and projected costs. Frank Mescall said the new Centre of Excellent is likely to cost in the region of €15m. It will a phased development, but an exact breakdown is not available.
The cost of building materials is rising, the chairman explained, outlining how a small project in TEG Cusack Park has cost €400,000, well in excess of what was envisaged.
“It will be a yearly thing for clubs; we need to know what the projections are,” said Corrigan. “Any builder going in will have to know the projected cost,” remarked Williams.
Elsewhere, Damien Keogh (Turin) felt having All-Ireland tickets as part of the package will help boost sales. His club are linking the tickets to their lotto draw as a bonus and it is helping to sell them.
Ringtown’s Damien Moran called for a more effective social media approach, while he felt linking the clubs to online sales should be a priority.
Trish Dolan (Garrycastle) felt that more information is needed on the Centre of Excellence itself and what it will include. It was explained that new flyers will provide more details in that regard.
Vinny Maguire of Club Iarmhí felt the €50,000 prize along with the home in Spain needs to be promoted more.
Promoting the draw with high profile people is also seen as important and it is intended to get Mullingar's Conor Moore (Conor Sketches) behind the initiative in the coming weeks.