'Clonown goes country' in aid of community park upgrades

The Clonown Community Park Development association are set to host 'Clonown Goes Country', a night of music in aid of upgrades to their GAA pitch and walking track facilities.

The event is taking place on Friday, March 28, from 8pm in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel for a night packed with country music, dancing, and fun.

Musical guests lined up for the fundraiser include live music from Alex Roe, DJ Aidan, as well as music from local talent Andrew Kenny and Sean Curley.

For the past 15 years, the dedicated committee and the community of Clonown have been working together on a four-phase plan to enhance local facilities.

New clubhouse in Clonown.

To date, this had included the development of a local pitch, the creation of a walking track with lights, and the installation of a playground in the area.

The final phase of the project is the clubhouse, which will provide essential facilities for both local players and visitors, including changing rooms and toilets.

The group have set up a GoFundMe page with a target of €6,000 in order to get the project across the line.

Admission to the 'Clonown Goes Country' event costs €10, with tickets available for purchase from Alex Roe on 087 3594452, and Sinéad Costello on 086 3103626.

To donate directly to the fundraiser, go to: https://www.gofundme.com/f/clonown-community-park-dressing-rooms