Fr John O’Brien and his book ‘Winter Past: The Spirit of Hope’, which will be launched in Athlone on March 23.

Athlone launch planned for Fr John’s latest book

Franciscan priest Fr John O'Brien will be holding an Athlone launch of his latest book, Winter Past: The Spirit of Hope in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel later this month.

The event will take place on Sunday, March 23, at 6pm. The book will be launched by Justin Harkin, pastoral coordinator of the Diocese of Elphin, and retired special needs teacher Mary Frances Cox.

Fr John O'Brien is currently based in Multyfarnham, having previously served in Athlone's Franciscan Friary for many years.

He published Winter Past: The Spirit of Hope in May of last year - but the upcoming Athlone event will mark the first formal launch of the book.

Fr John has written numerous books over the years, and he outlined the theme of 'Winter Past' by saying it was a reflection on how, "God lives in each person, so each person is sacred.

"It's our job to bring out the sacredness of each person, because each person is gifted, not just for himself or herself, but for everybody."

In the book's seven chapters, Fr John refers to the lives of a variety of notable people, such as the mathematician and philosopher Jacob Bronowski, the artist Andy Warhol, songwriter and poet Leonard Cohen, and saints Teresa of Ávila, Charles de Foucauld and Thérèse of Lisieux.

A copy of the book was sent to Pope Francis last year, and Fr John subsequently received a letter from the Vatican in which the Pope expressed his gratitude and appreciation for it.