Local authority to launch campaign to combat vaping and smoking around children

Westmeath County Council is set to launch the 'Not Around Us' campaign on Wednesday, March 12.

The launch takes place in the Westmeath County Council buildings in Mullingar from 4pm. The campaign aims to combat smoking and vaping in child-friendly spaces.

‘Not Around Us’ is a local authority initiative rolled out by Healthy Ireland and Sláintecare Healthy Communities and supported by Comhairle na nÓg.

‘Not Around Us’ is an invitation from young people to consider activity in spaces where there are children and young people, in order to provide smoke/vape free environments for our young people and to help de-normalise smoking and vaping for the next generation.

This campaign is a step towards a Tobacco Free Westmeath.

For more information, go to: https://www.westmeathcoco.ie/en/ourservices/communitydevelopment/notaroundus/