Public meeting in Ballyforan hears concerns over wind farm plan
More than 100 people attended a public meeting in Ballyforan Hall last week, where concerns were raised about proposals for a Bord na Mona wind farm development in the locality.
The meeting to discuss the Derryfadda Wind Farm project took place on Monday, February 17.
Organised by a local group called The Suck Callows Anti Wind Farm Alliance, the meeting was also attended by Galway-Roscommon TDs Martin Daly, Michael Fitzmaurice and Claire Kerrane, as well as local councillors Emer Kelly, Cormac O'Corcorain, Evelyn Parsons and Tony Ward.
Last October it was announced that Bord na Móna and SSE Renewables were working on to develop a wind farm on Derryfadda, Boughill and Gowla Bogs in County Galway, along the border with Roscommon.
The Derryfadda Wind Farm website said that the project is at a "very early stage" and that, as a result, the proposed number, location, and height of the turbines have not yet been determined.
SSE Renewables and Bord na Móna hosted three separate public information meetings on the Derryfadda Windfarm project at the start of November in Ballyforan, Ballygar and Ahascragh, and a SID (Strategic Infrastructure Development) planning application is expected to be lodged with An Bord Pleanála by the end of this year.
A further public consultation is due be carried out in "early to mid 2025", at which stage the "draft wind turbine layout" will be made public.
The project website said it was hoped a planning application for the proposed development would be lodged towards the end of this year.
The Suck Callows Anti Wind Farm Alliance pointed out that the area proposed for the wind farm was "home to such protected species as the Whooper Swan, the Wigeon, the Golden Plover, the Lapwing and the Greenland White Fronted Goose, in addition to a host of wetland and water birds, a vast spectrum of wildlife and some of the most important habitats in Europe."
The public meeting last week was told that to install a wind turbine of 185 metres in height, between one thousand and two thousand tonnes of concrete were required to hold it in place.
"The need for this amount of concrete and the fact the bogs will need to be excavated in advance, for roadways, cranes and preparatory works, certainly calls in to question the green credentials of such wind farm developments," said the local group.
It added that concerns raised by attendees at the meeting included the project's impact on the environment and protected species, possible flooding risks due to the close proximity of the River Suck, potential sink holes and damage to the water tables, effects on drinking water and private wells, possible health implications, and property devaluation.