Cllr Valerie Duffy is pictured with Fine Gael Midlands North West MEP Maria Walsh

Duffy formally ratified as councillor at Roscommon County Council meeting

Moore community activist Valerie Duffy was formally ratified as a councillor at the monthly meeting of Roscommon County Council this afternoon (Monday).

Proposed by Cllr Domnick Connolly and seconded by Cllr Liam Callaghan, Duffy received numerous plaudits from the sitting public representatives upon her ratification.

Cllr John Keogh expressed his hope that Cllr Duffy would continue working in the spirit of the late Cllr John Naughten.

"Your positive approach towards achieving community project goals in Moore is to be appreciated and your ratification is fully warranted and justified," Cllr Keogh said.

Cllr Emer Kelly described Cllr Duffy as an "inspiration", noting the addition of a second female Councillor in South Roscommon was a "boost for gender balance".

Cllr Tony Ward expressed his delight that Fine Gael had chosen a community worker to replace the late Cllr Naughten, while Cllr Laurence Fallon noted Cllr Duffy's "proud record" working on behalf of the Moore community.

"You are here on your own merit and I hope that you do the very best for the community whom you represent. As a Council we are here to support you with all your endeavours," Cllr Fallon said.