CIPD Midlands Region hosts Annual Employment Law Update
The Midlands Region of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) in conjunction with Collins McNicholas Recruitment and HR Services Group recently hosted their Annual Employment Law Update at a breakfast event on Thursday, January 23.
This is the second in-person event in an exciting programme of events for 2024/2025 provided by the CIPD Midlands Region Committee.
Following a networking opportunity for attendees, there was an introduction from Emma Woods, Chairperson of the CIPD Midlands Committee who then introduced Mary Mullin, Associate Director, Leinster in CMCN and the key panel speakers, Alastair Purdy SC, Siobhan McGowan, Robin Hyde, Einde O’Donnell and Gloria Malandra from Alastair Purdy & Co Solicitors.
Mary Mullin, Associate Director in CMCN, welcomed all in attendance and spoke about the current Recruitment and Human Resources landscape and trends in the Midlands.
The Collins McNicholas Employment Law Event has grown in capacity each year and is heavily attended by HR practitioners, general & plant managers, team leaders and supervisors from a range of sectors. Collins McNicholas in conjunction with CIPD will be hosting Employment Law events nationwide in the coming months.
Alastair Purdy is recognised as one of Ireland’s leading employment law specialists and through Alastair Purdy & Co. Solicitors, they advise a substantial number of both indigenous and multinational companies.
Alastair Purdy & Co. Solicitors provides assistance to employers by managing a range of commercial, employment, health, safety, litigation and environmental legal matters in a practical and efficient manner.
The Employment Law update focused on a number of key areas including, Remote Working – is it working?, Retirement – Supreme Court Ruling in Mallon (2024), Dismissing Senior Executives: How to in 2025?, Menopause / Neurodiversity Discrimination, Measuring Risk for Employers in Unfair Dismissals Claims, Changes to Collective Bargaining 2025 and New Employment Permits Act 2024.
Attendees were provided with insights on how each of these areas would impact employers and were given advice on how they could be managed in a practical and efficient manner.
The CIPD Midlands Region provides a forum for HR and business leaders in both public and private enterprises to network and share information, skills and best practice in the area of Human Resource Management, Employment Law, Employee and Industrial Relations.
Should you wish to be placed on the distribution list or attend of their events please register on the CIPD Ireland Website: