Funding of €37m announced for regional and local roads in Westmeath and Roscommon
Athlone Minister of State Kevin 'Boxer' Moran has welcomed a funding announcement of more than €14 million for works on regional and local roads in Westmeath in 2025.
The funding allocation for works on such roads in county Roscommon was greater still, at €22.9 million.
The funding announced by the Government today (Friday) for regional and local road projects across the county amounted to €713 million in total, which is an overall increase of over 8% on last year's funding allocations.
Minister of State Moran said he warmly welcomed the news that almost €25m was being awarded for works on regional and local roads across his constituency of Longford-Westmeath.
"This is vital funding for the constituency in terms of maintaining and enhancing our regional and local infrastructure," said Minister of State Moran. "€14.6m for Westmeath and €10.2m for Longford is a most welcome investment. "
Just over half of the funding allocated for the roads in both Westmeath and Roscommon is due to be spent on restoration improvement works.
Some specific projects in the Athlone area which have received funding include road-raising works in the Golden Island area (€158,242), an Athlone Town Bridges Flooding Feasibility Study (€50,000), and further phases of R390 realignment works at Walderstown (€75,000).
Announcing the funding, the new Minister for Transport Darragh O'Brien said: "My main priority is the ongoing maintenance and renewal of the regional and local road network, alongside strategic investment in developing and improving the road infrastructure network.
"Rehabilitation and maintenance is fundamental to keeping the network in a good condition, and a significant increase in funding has been provided for in 2025, with most of the funding going towards restoration of the network.
"This is essential for maintaining social and economic connectivity, linking people and places across the country."