Gates sought to prevent illegal dumping at local bog
The installation of gates to prevent illegal dumping along a public road through Annaghortha Bog in Athlone is “under consideration” by Westmeath County Council, following a request from a local residents group.
The Bliary/Moydrum Residents Association submitted a request to the council for the erection of “manageable gates” at both egress points to Annaghortha Bog which has been the subject of illegal dumping on a consistent basis in recent years.
The issue has been raised on a number of occasions in the past by local Fianna Fail Cllr and Athlone Mayor, Cllr Frankie Keena, who raised it again at the February meeting of Athlone Moate Municipal District.
Cllr Keena, who lives in the locality, asked for an update as to when the gates will be installed to prevent illegal dumping, and also sought information on the cost of bringing all the waste collected from Annaghortha Bog to Barna Waste over the past ten years.
Director of Services, Jackie Finney, confirmed that a request had been received from the local community for gates to be installed, and added that this was “under consideration.”
However, no information was forthcoming on the cost of disposing of the illegal waste at Annaghorta Bog, with the written response provided to the meeting stated that the financial reporting system of the council does not provide for “the level of details required” to isolate the costs for this particular location.