Whale-bone corsets and more
Jean's Journal with Jean Farrell
The television was on, in the background, the other night. A programme about whales was being shown. I happened to glance up from my book at one stage and saw a dead whale being spilt open. His vast rib cage was clearly visible. “These ribs were very valuable, in the past,” we were informed. “They were used for women’s corsets.”
Do you remember reading about ‘whale-bone corsets?’ Do you remember women with ‘hour-glass’ figures? Their waists were tiny. This look was achieved by wearing a corset made from the ribs of whales.
I read the following online. ‘Whale bone is made of keratin, the same substance found in human nails. It was the plastic of its day, used to manufacture many items including fishing poles, carriage springs and corsets. It was strong, yet it was flexible. Whale-bone corsets were worn to present a curvy waistline.”
Isn’t it great that we no longer wear such under-garments? They must have had women ‘crucified!’
However, women still aim to be thin. I wrote about self-discipline last week. Nowhere is this more needed than when it comes to eating less - less chocolate, less butter, less everything lovely!
I had been hearing about a new drug which aids weight loss. I came across an article about this, last week, and in the interest of research I read every word of it.
This drug is called semaglutide (with various trade names.) It works by mimicking the actions of a gut hormone that the body produces when we eat. Various women were interviewed for the article. “I eat a bag of salad and it feels like I’ve sat down to a three-course meal.” She was stunned at how her brain could believe this. Numerous other women said the same thing. Apparently it is very widely used and is very successful for shedding pounds. That’s the good news.
The bad news is that this drug is new, therefore its long-term effects are said to be unknown. One must stay on it for life, if one wants to maintain weight loss. “I came off it,” a woman said. “The minute I did, my appetite returned with a vengeance. I honestly could have eaten a horse.” In another case, a woman had to be hospitalised with chronic constipation, due to taking this new drug.
We used to be told that the secret of weight loss could be summed up in four words – ‘eat less, move more.’
Throughout January, every newspaper and magazine I read is full of articles about ‘self-improvement, ‘New Year, New You.’ We know it all. The challenge is to ‘do it!’
One such article had 50 simple ideas to bring ‘a little joy to your life’. I read them all and have chosen five to share with you.
I’ve actually done the first one myself already. “Buy a nice china mug and use it daily,” the article told me. Like yourselves, I have sets of china in presses. I don’t use them because I love a big mug of tea and have been using the same old mug for ages. Yesterday I purchased a lovely big real china mug and enjoyed my coffee from it when I came home. I plan to use it every day – a simple idea indeed.
‘Create a happy list,’ is another idea. ‘Sit down for five minutes and write a list of things that make you happy, that bring you joy. Study it and plan to do these things more often.’
Another is ‘Be kind to yourself, and to others.’
I loved this one. ‘Have a kitchen disco.’ This is a very simple idea indeed. As you wait for the kettle to boil or the bread to toast, close your eyes and dance to the music on the radio.
The fifth idea in the article is what I tell you regularly, ‘Get up and get out.’
I am sad to see more cafes closing in Athlone. We know that it’s good to talk. These were places where one could meet and chat to friends, or even strangers.
Athone has changed greatly in recent years. The area shown in the photograph here could now be referred to as the middle of town. All those who shop in the towncentre walk from there to Golden Island. They stroll through this pedestrianised street, close to Dunnes Stores. It is a lovely area and I’m glad to see many seats in it.
During the week of snow recently I was remembering how things were in the past.
In 1976 I was teaching 2nd class, in The Bower Senior National School (not in The Fair Green.) This school was close to St Mel’s Terrace.
One January morning we all woke up to see everywhere covered in snow. The school day began at 9.30am. At 9pm, all the teachers got a phone call, from St Ita Joseph (the principal), to say that the school would be closed and not to come in.
This is how the parents and pupils were informed. The caretaker stood on top of the high steps outside the school. From here, he shouted at the children. “Go home, go back home” he kept roaring at them.
All the children, heading down the hill, from Retreat and Auburn Heights, just turned around and went back home to Mammy.
All the children coming from Sarsfield Square, Assumption Rd, Beechpark and St Francis Terrace all went back home too, to their Mammies. Those were the days when very very few women worked outside the home and when most children walked to school.
How very different things are today!