‘I don’t understand that kind of psychology, to be honest’
The person who recently shot dead a white-tailed eagle outside Mullingar "should be ashamed of themselves", a local birthwatcher has said.
The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) has launched the investigation, and is appealing for information, following the shooting of the white-tailed eagle beside Lough Owel.
Speaking to the Westmeath Examiner, Gordon Wycherley, the chairman of the Westmeath branch of Birdwatch Ireland, says the death of the white-tailed eagle has greatly upset local birdwatchers.
“They’re just a fantastic sight. They are a huge bird and have a huge wingspan. They look so impressive,” he said.
The white-tailed eagle shot spent a lot of time flying between the lakes and rivers in the locality, much to the delight of local bird watchers.
“When you see these birds, they’re impressive. I saw one around Lough Ennell at Bloomfield Hotel last winter. I sent a message out in our WhatsApp group in Westmeath and maybe 10 people turned up to see it,” Mr Wycherley told the Westmeath Examiner.
“When you see a bird like this live, flying in the trees and near the lakes, it’s very exciting.
“It’s disappointing that it’s happened on our own patch and that someone would actually shoot a bird. I don’t really understand that kind of psychology to be honest.
“It’s hard for me to believe that whoever did it didn’t know that it was something special because they are so impressive. They are bigger than a mute swam that you would see flying over the town of Mullingar.”
Mullingar photographer and birdwatcher John McCauley has photographed the white-tailed eagle on a number of occasions since 2022.
“I have been watching this bird for the last three years going from Lough Derravaragh to Lough Owel and on to Lough Ennell.
“The person who shot this beautiful bird should be ashamed of themselves. He or she has taken great pleasure from bird watchers in this area.”