Midlands group receive €88k funding from LGBTI+ Youth Fund 2024
Midlands LGBT+ Project have received €88,000 in state funding as part of the LGBTI+ Youth Fund 2024.
Under the scheme grants between €20,000 and €75,000 are being allocated to support projects that make a difference in ensuring LGBTI+ young people are visible, included, treated equally, healthy, and safe in their communities.
A total of €1,398,916 has been made available to support organisations across Ireland to assist the development of rural community infrastructure to be inclusive and welcoming.
It comes as part of the National LGBTI+ Inclusion Strategy 2019-2021 adopted by Government and launched in November 2019.
The strategy provides a whole-of-Government framework for identifying and addressing issues which may prevent LGBTI+ people from enjoying full equality in practice in Irish society.
The Strategy is based on four thematic pillars providing a vision of an Ireland where members of the LGBTI+ community are visible and included, treated equally, healthy, and safe and supported.
Positive visibility and increased non-stereotypical representation of LGBTI+ identities is vital to support long-term attitudinal change.