Deputy Robert Troy.

Troy welcomes the findings of SIPO report

Deputy Robert Troy has welcomed the findings of the Standards in Public Office Commission (SIPO) report published today, which found that while he contravened section 5 of the Ethics in Public Office Act 1995, he acted in "good faith".

In a statement issued this afternoon, Deputy Troy said:

“I welcome the final findings from the Standard in Public Office Commission (SIPO), published today, regarding my errors in my Declaration of Members' Interests highlighted in August 2022.

"I have always accepted this was a serious matter and sought to rectify my errors as soon as they became apparent.

"While this is a comprehensive report, I welcome the findings which state that in relation to contraventions of section 5 of Ethics in Public Office Act 1995, the Commission finds that I did not intentionally seek to conceal or avoid public disclosure of my interests. Accordingly, the Commission is of the view, that while mistakes were made, I acted in good faith.

"The Commission did not find evidence that I acted other than in the mistaken belief that my actions in making the original declarations were in accordance with the Commission's guidelines.

"I am glad the investigation has now concluded.”