'See-saw' Moate road needs urgent repairs - Farrell
A call has been made for urgent repairs to be carried out on a Moate road which was described at a recent council meeting as being "like a see-saw".
Cllr Tom Farrell said the Moyvoughley road (L-1304) was "in very dangerous condition" and he said accidents were taking place on the mile-long stretch of roadway on a regular basis.
“We have been debating the condition of this road for many years,” he said, “in fact it goes back to the time when Joe Flanagan was a councillor. I note that the council intends to repair a stretch of the road, but the whole road needs to be redone.”
Cllr Farrell tabled a motion requesting a special allocation of money from the Department of the Environment to carry out urgent repairs to the road.
In supporting the motion, Cllr Johnny Penrose said the Moyvoughley road was “very, very bad... you'd be going up and down like a see-saw on it,” while Cllr Liam McDaniel added that his Fianna Fáil colleague, Cllr Vinny McCormack, had put in a number of motions seeking repairs to the road in question.
The written response from the council executive, to Cllr Farrell's motion, said a section of the Moyvoughley road had been included in the 2024 roads programme, with works there due for completion “in the coming weeks”.
If further repairs were needed, they would be considered for inclusion in the “upcoming multi-annual roads programme (2025-2027) that will be developed in Q4 2024,” stated the local authority's response.