Westmeath County Council launches road safety poster competition

With schools across Westmeath recently welcoming students back for the new school year, the county council, in collaboration with An Garda Síochána, launched a Back to School Road Safety poster competition.

This initiative is targeted at the age categories 4-7, 8-10, and 11-13. Entries can be on A4 or A3-sized paper, and suggested themes include 'make walking safe', 'be aware - share the road', 'cycle safety', 'be bright, be seen', and 'safe routes to school'.

The competition is designed to highlight the importance of road safety and to foster greater vigilance among drivers, parents, guardians, and students themselves, especially during the busy school drop-off and pick-up times.

It is aimed at encouraging national school students to creatively express the significance of road safety through their artwork, prompting proactive discussions in homes and classrooms about safe practices on the road.

Westmeath County Council Road Safety Officer, Colm Smyth, said, "We want to remind everyone of the heightened need for caution as schools reopen. Children, especially those entering school for the first time, are vulnerable as they navigate their new routines.

"Drivers must be particularly cautious around pedestrian crossings, school buses, and areas where students are entering or exiting vehicles."

Research shows that children under 12 do not have the skills and experience needed to be safe in traffic on their own and should be taken to school by an adult.

Parents and guardians are encouraged to engage in conversations about road safety with their children, plan safe routes to school, ensure that seatbelts are always worn, and remind students to stay aware of their surroundings, particularly when walking to school or waiting for buses.

It is also vital to discourage the use of mobile phones while walking to ensure full attention is given to the road.

Meanwhile, drivers are urged to slow down, strictly adhere to speed limits, and remain alert, especially in school zones and residential areas.

Westmeath County Council Cathaoirleach Cllr Liam McDaniel called for extra vigilance saying: "Road safety around schools and school buses is everyone's responsibility, it's so important that we all take extra care on our roads.

"I urge all road users to remind themselves and their children of the road safety messages as they prepare for the walk, cycle, car or bus journey to school."

Entries for the poster competition must be returned to your local Westmeath library by 5pm on Tuesday, October 1.

For more information on how to participate in the competition, please visit westmeathcoco.ie/library or drop into your local library.