Deirdre Berry, Head of Services at Esker House Refuge Centre in Athlone

Athlone event to showcase supports for victims of domestic and gender violence

Athlone's Esker House Refuge Service will host an upcoming event which aims to provide information on the services and supports available in the community for victims of domestic and gender-based violence.

The event, titled "Stronger Together: A Guide to DSGBV Supports" takes place on Monday, September 16, in the Sheraton Hotel from 9.30am to 4pm, and among the other participants will be the Athlone (Midlands) Rape Crisis Centre; representatives from the The Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU)at the Midland Regional Hospital, Mullingar and AkiDwA, the national network of migrant women living in Ireland.

Participants at the event - which is already sold out - will take part in discussions on creating inclusive and culturally aware support systems, and there will also be networking opportunities for service providers and community.

The overall objective of the "Stronger Together" event is to provide information about the services available to the community and how service providers and community can collaborate for better outcomes for victims and survivors of domestic and sexual violence and abuse.