Pictured at the Mount Carmel Drive Pride of Place presentation last week were, front row, Annette Barr Jordan, Westmeath Community Development, Mary Greally, Cllr Liam McDaniel, Cathoirleach Westmeath County Council, Colette Byrne and Katriona Murphy, judges, F. Jimmy Murray and Catherine Jameson.Back row, Jennifer McKeon, Westmeath Community Development, Linda Jo Quinn SICAP, Emma Connolly, John Galvin, Annie Fox, Sergeant Neil O’Connor, Angela Walsh, Marie Fleming and Carmel Keely. Photo: Paul Molloy.

Young and old served by Mount Carmel Drive projects in Moate

By David Flynn

A seven-person committee at the Mount Carmel Drive housing estate in Moate proved themselves resourceful through challenges like the Covid-19 pandemic, and have been striving to provide services for residents of all ages.

The success of the group led to Mount Carmel Drive's nomination in the 'housing estates' category of the national Pride of Place awards.

Pride of Place adjudicators Katrina Murphy and Colette Byrne (former county council employees) met with the Mount Carmel Drive committee in the Carmelite Pastoral Centre in Moate last Wednesday (Auguat 21), where they heard and saw a presentation from the residents, and friends from different Moate town groups.

The chairperson of Mount Carmel Drive group, Mary Greally, delivered a talk which outlined the history of the area.

The judges learned that the housing estate was originally built between 1979 and 1981, starting with 10 houses, and eventually grew to 51 houses.

"Residents have volunteered their time to help us bring our estate to the lovely place we live and call home today," said Mary.

Frances Farrer, Tommy Greally and Tom Farrer at the Mount Carmel Drive Pride of Place presentation in the Carmelite Pastoral Centre. Photo Paul Molloy.

The seven-member residents' association began in 2018 with the help of Westmeath Community Development under the SICAP (Social inclusion and Community Activation Programme).

"One thing we wanted as a newly elected committee was a playground for our children and grandchildren – somewhere all age groups could benefit from," said Mary.

The committee had praise for the local councillors who helped them, and Westmeath Community Development, with Linda Jo Quinn and Caroline Lawlor also working closely with the committee.

"Under their advisement we sought funding through LEADER Programme and Westmeath County Council,” said Mary who said the committee also raised more funds to help get the local playground started.

"We have a great community spirit in Moate and, with the donations from all the different businesses in our town and surrounding areas (who helped) towards our fundraising, we could see our playground become a reality."

Mary Greally and John Galvin at the Mount Carmel Drive Pride of Place presentation in the Carmelite Pastoral Centre. Photo Paul Molloy.

She also said that, through grants and fundraising, the committee purchased a community shed and equipped it with gardening tools to help with cleaning up the Mount Carmel estate.

"We also wanted to help the residents of Mount Carmel to be able to rent out the lawnmower and strimmers, and anything needed for the upkeep of their grounds, without having to pay huge prices," said Mary.

"Money collected went towards petrol, oil and upkeep of equipment. We bought flowers and plants for the rockery, hanging baskets, painted walls and organised clean-up days."

She said the committee organised computer classes for the residents in the Pastoral Centre to help them get used to the technological era, and they also brought speakers in who could educate them about the seriousness of drug culture.

They also held first aid courses, sports days, Christmas caroling and parties, fundraising with rock n’ roll bingo, pub quiz, and a very popular indoor market.

When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, the committee had the challenge of dealing with everything coming to a standstill, although they had made good progress beforehand on the playground.

"We had play dates with the children and, when Covid prevented children from going out trick or treating at Halloween, we went around houses leaving goodies on the walls for the kids," said Mary.

She also said during the St Patrick's Day time of Covid, some of the residents organised a St Patrick's Day parade with a difference - getting the children in the ‘Drive’ involved when the town was prevented from putting on a show.

Mary said the playground opening was a huge success, starting with Mass on the day, and a blessing being bestowed on the new facility.

"We were very proud because, between Covid and our own work and family commitments, at times it wasn't easy to stick with it," she said.

"But we are very strong and determined people and today we are equally proud to be representing the housing estates (section) in Westmeath for Pride of Place recognition. It would be a great honour to bring home first prize!”

Catherine Jameson and Carmel Keely with judges Colette Byrne and Katriona Murphy on a visit to Mount Carmel Drive in Moate for the Pride of Place competition. Photo Paul Molloy.

Carmel Kelly, committee member, outlined to the judges some of Mount Carmel Drive's future plans, which include a sensory garden with raised sensory beds and pergola at the entrance to the playground.

"Our wall of boots/wellies is a project we hope to undertake with the children in our community. They will donate old wellies, and will be given the opportunity to plant a flower or herb in their boot on our wall," said Carmel. "This will foster a sense of ownership among our children."

They are also planning purchasing a ‘buddy bench’, with a local business in Moate. One of their bigger projects is the painting of the Rockery Wall and the refurbishment of basketball boards. They intend to enlist the help of Moate Tidy Towns in completing this project.

Goalposts are also on their agenda, and a composting area to reduce garden waste and to promote a healthier vision towards littering in the area.

"We will continue to apply for funding so we can successfully complete these projects and inspire other groups in our town,” said Carmel. "For more projects, watch this space!"