The Old Rail Trail Greenway. Photo: Ashley Cahill.

New access link from Athlone IDA Park to greenway to be built

Construction on a new combined cycleway and footpath link from the existing IDA Business and Technology Park in Athlone to the Old Rail Trail Greenway is due to get underway in the coming weeks.

IDA Ireland is currently seeking tenders for the work, with the contract due to be awarded on Monday next, September 2.

According to tender documents, the estimated value of the project is €225,384 with construction expected to begin in September and be completed by the beginning of March.

The IDA is proposing to construct a connection path which will run from the existing internal path network in the the Business and Technology Park to the Old Rail Trail Greenway, and will be suitable for use by both pedestrians and cyclists.

The path is to be constructed to the north of the existing site on IDA-owned lands.

The tender documents state that the areas directly adjacent to the Old Rail Trail Greenway are “outside of the land ownership” and are subject to “liaison and agreement with a third party” and this area of the Park is described as being “currently underdeveloped”.

The successful contractor will be responsible for the construction of the proposed road extension in the IDA Park.

It is proposed to retain the existing rail tracks in the location of the proposed path, and the tender documents specify that the path “may be broken out and the tracks reinstated for use undamaged in the future, should it be required”.