Philip McGorisk.

'A positive development': Athlone pharmacist on new prescription rules

From early next year, patients will be able to get prescriptions for eight illnesses from pharmacists as well as their GPs, according to Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly.

The eight conditions that are covered are allergic rhinitis, cold sores, conjunctivitis, impetigo, oral thrush, shingles, uncomplicated urinary tract infections, and vulvovaginal thrush.

This change is expected to decrease waiting times in GP offices as well as make it faster for patients to get treated with the medicine they need.

Athlone pharmacist Philip McGorisk, of McGorisk's Pharmacies, described the forthcoming change as a positive development.

“We're highly qualified professionals. We know our medicine very well. This will certainly take pressure off of GPs,” he said.

However, he also stressed the importance of pharmacists being sufficiently reimbursed for this workload: “The only concern is whether we'll get reimbursed for doing this... It's very important that the HSE reimburse us.”

Th recent announcement followed the publication of a report from the Expert Taskforce to Support the Expansion of the Role of Pharmacy.

Minister Stephen Donnelly said “What we are announcing represents an important change. The move will also alleviate pressure on GPs. The service will be scaled-up over time, but we will start with these conditions.”