Pictured from left: Harry McGuinness, Evan McMickan from Athlone and Jack McGuinness. The McGuinness brothers are from Doon, Ballinahown.

Midlands quartet help Ireland youths make fly fishing history

Emily Sheehan

The Irish Trout Fly Fishing Association (ITFFA) youth team made history earlier this month when they won gold in the Four Nations Fly Fishing International on Grafham Water in England – completing the Grand Slam for the first time in the history of youth fly fishing.

With 14 members and one reserve on the team, four of the young anglers were from the Midlands - Evan McMickan from Coosan, Athlone; brothers Jack and Harry McGuinness from Doon, Ballinahown; and Darragh Duncan from Mullingar. Darragh's father Andrew Duncan was one of the coaches along with Denis Goulding.

Darragh Duncan from Mullingar with his dad, Andrew Duncan.

In a statement, ITFFA PRO and head coach Denis Goulding congratulated the youth team on behalf of the ITFFA.

“This result has never been seen or heard of since the conception of the Four Nations Fly Fishing International,” he said.

“To complete the Grand Slam in severe heat, in flat calm conditions, using heavy sinking lines makes the win even sweeter.”

The day of the angling match saw the team work in temperatures of up to 28 degrees Celsius and calm waters.

Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales were the four nations taking part but as time ticked by in the competition, there seemed to be only two teams in contention – Scotland and Ireland. And when the weigh-in took place, Ireland was placed first, with 24 fish caught totalling 48lbs 4ozs.

Goulding noted that “it was a nervous weigh in as Scotland had bigger fish”, but Ireland “crept over the line" with a weigh margin of 2lb 10ozs

The Scottish team caught 21 fish, totalling 45 lbs, 10ozs; while the English team caught 15 fish totalling 35 lbs, 10zs; and the Welsh team secured 9 fish, a total of 19lbs, 7ozs.

Ireland captain Fintan Carlin won the best national award for catching the heaviest trout on the Irish team, with the fish weighing 3 lbs.

Darragh Duncan won the 'Top Irish Rod' award, and only missed out on the 'Brown Bowl' award by ounces. Thomas Grew was congratulated having won four youth angling gold medals back to back.

“Congratulations to the fifteen team members on a well deserved win, we could not of asked for any more from any one of you," said Goulding.

Denis expressed gratitude to the many who played important supporting roles that helped the Irish team to achieve this win.

“The work that Manager Julie Gerry and Assistant Jenny Casey put into this event was extraordinary, raising funds and making sure everything was in place for the Irish contingent during the trip. Enough cannot be said about these two individuals,” said Goulding.

Goulding thanked the boatmen and women for their contributions on practice days on Graftham Water - James Doherty, John Reidy, Kevin Dining, Jenny Casey, Connor O'Mahony, Julie Gerry and Richard Johnston.

He gave a special mention to Steve Smalley of Gocatchfish for sponsoring all the teams’ medals and photography of the event.

Expressing the thanks of all four of the competing nations to Michelle Penwright, Goulding said: "Without her work behind the scenes organising the event, it really would never have happened. Thank you so much Michelle, we are all greatly indebted to you.”

“Occasions like this do not just happen”, said Goulding, who thanked all the companies who provided sponsorship.

Denis thanked all those who tied flies for the team, including Andrew McGuinness, father of the aforementioned Jack and Harry.

Goulding paid tribute Tommy Fagan and the Lough Lene Angling Association in Westmeath for the use of their facilities during practice days and qualifiers. He also acknowledged all the parents and anglers that give up their time so that the youths "have an opportunity to fish with like-minded people".

Denis expressed appreciation to clubs for donations to the team and to everyone who bought raffle tickets to support the team.

“As you can see, it’s a huge group of people that all stood together to make this happen for the young fly anglers of Ireland," Goulding concluded.