Will Keane and, right, the recent launch of Roscommon Pride which was held at Roscommon Castle.

Grand Marshal named for first-ever Roscommon Pride march this weekend

Will Keane, a Roscommon-based LGBTQIA+ activist, has been announced as the Grand Marshal for the first ever Roscommon Pride march.

Roscommon Pride’s inaugural march is set to take place this Saturday, August 24, at 2pm, starting at The Quad in Roscommon town.

LGBTQIA+ people, allies and supporters are invited to come along to what promises to be a weekend of celebration, fun and community spirit.

Keane, who was heavily involved in Roscommon’s campaign for marriage equality in 2015, said he was excited to see his home county “celebrate difference and diversity” in such a public way.

"Looking back at a 14-year-old version of myself I could never have imagined being fully accepted in my own town," he said.

"To imagine 30 years later that Roscommon town is preparing itself to celebrate its first Pride festival is testament to the societal change within our country and county. I couldn’t be prouder to be Roscommon Pride’s first Grand Marshal."

He added: "Change is rarely sudden and not always obvious. A rainbow flag beside a till, a Pride sticker in the window, or indeed an accepting smile can build a person’s sense of worth, sense of belonging and sense of acceptance.

"I’m overjoyed that the rainbow flag will fly proudly over this celebratory weekend and hope businesses, sporting organisations and schools bring the spirit of this weekend across the 52 weeks of the year. Nothing feels better than feeling included.”

Karina Murray, Roscommon Pride's event manager, said: “Roscommon Pride is more than just a march. The entire weekend will send a powerful statement of inclusivity to the whole county and will act as a platform to launch a year round LGBTQ+ community group in Roscommon.

"We invite everyone, LGBTQ+ folks and their allies, to join us in making history together."

Roscommon Pride has also unveiled its full line-up of events, which will take place over the course of the weekend.

Among the events are a family fun day in Loughaneane Park, a Pooch of Pride contest, a Pride Party at The Coachman’s Inn, a Colour Run, and a film screening in Boyle.