Ciaran Mullooly, MEP.

Mullooly consultation on Just Transition

MEP Ciaran Mullooly plans to hold a consultation process with community groups in the midlands to assess the effectiveness of the European Just Transition Fund (EUJTF).

He announced that after recent allocations of grant aid to various projects in the region, and said he is seeking to gather comprehensive feedback on the impact of those allocations, particularly in relation to former Bord na Móna and ESB workers and their families.

He asks: “How many community groups were involved in this EUJTF process? How many former Bord na Móna and ESB workers or their families directly benefited from the grant aid?”

He said those questions highlight his commitment to ensuring full engagement from those affected by the EUJTF initiatives.

As the European Commission undertakes a review of the EUJTF operations, President Ursula von der Leyen has indicated that “red tape and regulation is hampering the effectiveness of the EUJTF schemes within some countries, with €40 million unspent.”

In light of that, Mr Mullooly emphasised the need for community feedback before the commission’s review is presented to the European Parliament early next year. The feedback, he said, will be crucial in shaping potential legislative changes ahead of the introduction of EUJTF 2.0.

Mr Mullooly encouraged all community groups in the midlands to participate in his consultation during the month of August, and has assured them that their views will be represented as part of the commission’s review process.

He said he will be involved in scrutinising the review as part of the European Parliament’s Regional Development Committee: “Your view will be heard. I can assure you of that,” he said.