A report has found that there were no rental properties available in Athlone within the limits of the Government’s HAP scheme.

Report underlines shortage of HAP rental housing in Athlone

A quarterly survey undertaken by the Simon Community has found virtually no rental properties available in Athlone within the limits of the Government's HAP (Housing Assistance Payment) social housing support scheme over the course of the last two years.

The HAP rent limit for a single person or a family of up to three children ranges from €450 to €650 in Westmeath, and from €360 to €550 in Roscommon, however councils have the discretion to go up to 35% above those rent limits on a case-by-case basis.

The Simon Community's quarterly 'Locked Out' report, which began in December 2022, is designed to take a snapshot of the number of HAP-eligible properties available to rent over a three-day period every three months.

It found that, on the dates it surveyed so far in 2024, there was not a single Athlone property available to rent within either the standard HAP limits or the higher discretionary rent payment levels.

During a three-day survey in June of this year (June 17 to 19) there was an average of 17 residential properties advertised for rental in Athlone each day, but none of these were within the HAP limits.

The report found a one-bedroom property in Athlone which was being advertised for rent at a rate of €1,500 a month, while monthly rents for two-bedroom properties in the town ranged from €1,000 to €2,000.

Monthly rents for three-bedroom properties in Athlone, advertised from June 17-19, ranged from €1,550 to €2,500.

Nationally, the report examined 16 areas across Ireland and found a total of 1,178 properties available to rent, but just 43 of these were within HAP limits.

Since the Simon Community's 'Locked Out' surveys began, almost two years ago, they have only ever found a property in Athlone advertised for rent within the HAP limits on one occasion. This was a single property advertised in September of last year.

The latest report included a quote from one of those people currently 'Locked Out', John, who said: "The pressure from landlords is immense. They demand high rents and expect us to overlook substandard living conditions.

"It's a choice between accepting inadequate housing or risking homelessness. The system is broken."

Athlone councillor Paul Hogan expressed concern at the near-complete absence of HAP properties available locally.

"It is very concerning that there are no properties available in Athlone under the HAP scheme," said Cllr Hogan. "This is affecting those many families who need assistance to get onto the housing ladder because there are currently no homes available, forcing people to stay in overcrowded accommodation.

"We also need to see increased investment in homelessness prevention and more supports to those in or facing homelessness, to ensure that the physical and mental impact of homelessness are addressed.

"The latest homelessness figures show record numbers of households accessing homelessness services. The monthly homeless report for June 2024 shows that 14,303 individuals were accessing emergency accommodation, an increase of 144 (1%) on May of this year.

"There were 9,899 single adults and 2,093 families in emergency accommodation in June, including 4,404 children under 18," stated Cllr Hogan.