Heather Haythornwaite at work in her studio. Photo: Hazelnut Press.

Work of master print maker on exhibit in Athlone

The Athlone Art Gallery is currently showcasing the work of master print maker Heather Haythornthwaite.

Heather hold a BA Hons Visual Communication from the Bath Academy of Art and an MA Post-Modern Visual Cultures from Goldsmiths College

Heather’s early years were spent between Wexford and Canada, and she was schooled in Dublin. She still has family in Ireland and is a frequent visitor. Places and family stories in Ireland and England are at the heart of Heather’s art practice.

As an intaglio printmaker she likes to draw directly onto the plate and develop the images through printmaking processes, creating mixed editions and monoprints. She also enjoys making lino cuts and wood cuts.

An etching, ‘By Love Lane’, by Heather Haythornthwaite.

She works in London at Artichoke Print Workshop as well as at the Hazelnut Press, Rochester. She will be exhibiting at The Affordable Art Fair Battersea this Autumn, and has participated in numerous high-profile international shows in recent years.

She creates handmade etching, linocut and letterpress prints. Hazelnut Press is dedicated to creating the best quality handmade intaglio and relief prints, savouring life and landscapes, wild and tamed, as well as the urban lived experience. Using nontoxic and safer printing methods as well as traditional, Hazelnut Press has established a reputation for producing limited edition fine art prints. Heather’s work is a real treat, her sense of humour and quirky eye pop out in her work.

The Athlone Art Gallery is located at The Village at Burgess, and the exhibition is currently ongoing.